As we come together today to celebrate the great Feast of the Resurrection, let us rejoice in the hope and promise that Christ’s victory over death brings to all of us.
We welcomed Hattian women residing at the Days Inn to our parish hall and kitchen a few days before New Year's Day to prepare a special Haitian soup...
Just before Christmas, Parish and School families joined together to bring cheer to some of our homebound parishioners. Over 50 children and adults from the parish and school gathered to sing Christmas carols to some of our homebound parishioners.
Please join us for a day of Prayer on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. On this day members of St. Mary’s SJ Ministry will spend dedicated time in prayer for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and other conflict-ridden areas of the world.
Maysoon Khair will be at our church December 16 & 17, 2023 representing School of Joy for slow learner children and over a hundred Christian families who make their livelihood through the selling of their hand carved olive wood religious articles.
THANK YOU to all who donated last weekend to help cover some of the cost for the Christmas Party held on December 15th and to cover the cost of the special soup Haitian women will make for the families to enjoy on January 1st, Haitian Independence Day.
On December 17th, following the 9:00AM Mass, we will have our annual Blessing of Outdoor Nativity. We hope you join us for this tradition that started 20 years ago. In the fall of 2003, Fr. Dennis O'Brien developed the idea for an outdoor nativity. He coordinated the purchasing of the set and building of the stable.
The exuberant celebration that is Christmas is made more so by music that inspires, praises, and uplifts. At 10:00PM on Christmas Eve St. Mary’s will once again resound with the sound of the organ, choir, We invite you to join this very special liturgy. Learn more!
New calendars for 2024 are available this weekend in the front and side entrances of the church. We are grateful to Shannon Henry and Britton Funeral Home for making these calendars available for us each year.
The December packet of offertory envelopes contains one marked Christmas Flowers. Your offerings will assist us in decorating the church for the Christmas season.
We'd like to bring back the Christmas Pageant at the 7:00PM Christmas Eve Mass. This is a wonderful tradition that your family can participate in. Learn more!