Got a light?
That used to be the question smokers would ask long ago when they needed help to light a cigarette.
Got “the” Light?
That might be the question we could ask one another these days in our parish.
We are now living in a very challenging time in the history of our church and our country. We experience various forms of darkness that make us question long held values and practices. Divisive politics have torn our country apart, and we live with some fear of what the future will bring. The dark cloud of clergy sexual abuse hangs over us as well, and we are uncertain how the Church will make its way through to the light of a better future. The wild forces of nature with recent hurricanes and tsunami make us wonder what we have done to creation and the environment.
Yes. We need the Light. We need the hope that will lead us forward in healing our country, our Church and our world. We need to be saved from ourselves. So let us call upon our faith more than ever and claim Jesus Christ to be our Light and our Savior.
I invite you to take the time next month to join us for our third parish Light of the World Retreat (November 9 -12) so that your faith can be renewed, rekindled and deepened, Many who have taken part in this weekend retreat will tell you that it helped them to come to know Jesus Christ in a much more personal way. Join us and hear the “good news” proclaimed again. Come and claim Jesus Christ as the “light of the world”. Visit our parish website today for more details and a registration form: