After searching for two years for a middle and high school Religious Education Coordinator, we are pleased to announce and welcome STEPHEN KEATING as our Middle School Coordinator for Grades 7 & 8 and ANDREW MCNEIL who will serve as our High School/Confirmation Coordinator for the coming year.
STEPHEN KEATING Grade 7 & 8 Coordinator
A long time St. Mary’s parishioner with his wife Tracy and their children, Steve Keating has served as an 8th grade catechist for the past several years. A graduate of St. Anselm’s College, Steve also received a Graduate Certificate in Catholic Theology from the Augustine Institute.
As President of Keating & Associates and with a passion and expertise in Catholic and Christian education, Steve has guided school, colleges and universities in revitalizing their brand and vision, leading strategic planning programs and developing communications.
ANDREW MCNEIL Grade 9 & 10/Confirmation Coordinator
Drew McNeil grew up in Shrewsbury and participated in our St. Mary’s religious education program. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN, Drew now serves as a Campus Minister and Theology Teacher at St. John’s High School in Shrewsbury. Along with his classroom teaching experience, Drew has led Retreat days/weekends for high school students and organized meaningful service opportunities for teens in the Worcester area.