The Pack is the whole group, KINDERGARTEN to 5th graders; we meet once a month on the third Monday in the Church Hall. Pack meetings are run by our Cub Master, Maggie Riani.
Dens make up the Pack, organized by age – Lions (K), Tiger (1st Grade), Wolf (2nd), Bear (3rd), Webelos (4th), and Arrow of Light (5th). Each Den meets 1 - 2 times a month and works toward completing age appropriate Adventures. Completion of the requirements makes you eligible for advancement. The best experience happens when a parent or relative participates with each boy.
Each level has a parent leader (the Den Leader) responsible for organizing completion of the adventures and customizing activities to the interest of their Scouts.
Meetings consist of a gathering activity as families arrive, an opening ceremony with the pledge of allegiance, talk time to discuss the Adventure we’re working on, a fun activities, and a closing.
The Pack is part of a network of other Packs in Shrewsbury and a Council which covers southern central Massachusetts. St. Mary's also sponsors a Boy Scout Troop. We try to have the Boys Scouts involved in our activities so the Cubs meet more people and learn from their experience.
Shrewsbury Girl Scout Registration Event Come see what Girl Scouts is all about!
St. Mary's Parish Hall 20 Summer Street, Shrewsbury
Thursday, November 2, 6:00-7:30PM
For girls in grades K - 12, who are not currently Girl Scouts.
For more information contact: [email protected]
Ladies of Faith meet every third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at St. Mary’s. Our goal is to practice faith, charity, and have social gatherings. Often, guest speakers are invited to give presentations and share experiences. We invite all women of faith to join us at our meetings.
Contact: Sandra Goodwin - [email protected]
Members of this committee work to plan and organize our annual parish-wide day of service. We meet once per month January - April to discuss and organize the day. Our Day of Service is held in the spring. In 2024 it will be held on May 18th!
For more information, contact: Kelly Paulina @ [email protected] or 508-845-6341 x 444
At the start of another school year, we thank the St. Mary School Parent Association for sponsoring SUNDAY COFFEE after the 9:00 a.m. Mass in our renewed parish hall. Sunday Coffee will be held on most Sundays except for the holiday weekends.
In addition to our school parents who will serve this week, we would like to have some additional St. Mary’s parishioners serve the coffee on some weekends.
Please get in touch with the Parish Office if you would be able to help serve.