SAVE THE DATE! April 7, 2024
Dear Parishioner,
Please join us in a devotion to Divine Mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th. Confessions and with Exposition of the Eucharist and Confessions at 2PM, Prayer Service and singing of the Chaplet at 3 PM, praying the Litany to Divine Mercy, and making a prayerful Offering to God’s Merciful Love.
Spreading the message of God’s boundless mercy is so important because Jesus has said, “Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.” (Diary 300)
The Divine Mercy message was brought to us by St. Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun who had many visions and conversations with Jesus, which she recorded in her Diary. Jesus appeared to her as seen in the Divine Mercy Image which He asked to have painted of Him portraying His Divine Mercy. This beautiful portrait displays Jesus with two rays emanating from His heart representing the blood and water which gushed forth from Him when He died on the cross for us, showing the endless amount of mercy and love He has for us.
St. Faustina recorded promises Jesus made to her and to all those who would pray, promote and trust in His Divine Mercy. In the Diary (476), Jesus gave Faustina a special prayer, the prayer of the Chaplet. There are many graces gained by those who pray the Chaplet! (For praying the Novena, begin Day 1 on Good Friday).
Also, Jesus promised an immense grace to those who would celebrate the feast of His Divine Mercy. This grace is the forgiveness of all sins and the removal of all punishment due to sin. This is like the grace of Baptism, when our souls were completely cleansed of sin. In return, Jesus asks only three things of us:
1. To repent our sins by going to confession (available Tues. Mar 25, 7 -8 pm & Sat 3:30 - 4 pm)
2. To receive the Eucharist on Divine Mercy Sunday
3. To venerate the Image of Divine Mercy and place our trust in Him.
Please consider joining us on Divine Mercy Sunday. Jesus will be so happy to see you! (we will too!)
For more information about St. Faustina, how to pray the Chaplet and the Novena to Divine Mercy, there are brochures located in the back of the Church.