Parishioner, Nancy Hughes has been coordinating and working with over 30 sewers in the parish and Shrewsbury community to sew face masks to help alleviate the national shortage in medical-grade protective gear that medical workers are facing. The masks being sewn are not intended to replace the protective gear but instead to help conserve them. Medical workers can place a clean sewn mask over their protective mask and then remove it and replace it with a new clean sewn mask between patients. Nancy estimates they have distributed 300 kits so far that consist of two pieces of fabric and a quarter inch elastic band. Masks will be blessed by Fr. Mike and distributed to Nursing Homes, individual providers for their clinic staff, oncology patients, and anyone who has requested them.
For questions, please reach out to Nancy Hughes (
[email protected]). Nancy is also open to receiving text messages since she may be closer to her phone while sewing! Her number is 508-439-0055.
How can you help?
The quarter inch elastic that is used for the masks is completely sold out in the U.S. If you happen to have any in your sewing rooms or sewing kits that you would like to donate you can drop it off in the front vestibule of the Church. There will be a basket available for you to drop it in. THANK YOU!