The beginning of the trail was a wide-open rocky riverbed that required wading through rushing water. We cautiously navigated our footwork on the rough river bottom, and held our breath as locals quickly crossed the swift waters with infant children in their arms. Most were on their way to “baby day” at the dispensary in Roche-a-Bateau.
After the second river crossing we were greeted by Boklo residents with donkeys to assist us for the remainder of the journey. We loaded our backpacks (and some of our bodies) onto the donkeys. After about 10 river crossings the trail narrowed, became much steeper, and incorporated switchback turns. At this point were joined by Boklo’s Parish Council leader, Annez, who had traveled to Roche-a-Bateau the day before. Our group began to tire and take more frequent rest stops but we watched in amazement as Annez traversed the mountain trail effortlessly; not even breaking a sweat.